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Saturday, August 29, 2009

Thank You

Pagi pagi di weekend yg indah ni!

first of all, nak thanks to all my new blog's member. Aku amat berterima kasih dgn kalian kerna, sanggup meluangkan masa membaca nukilan, terkilan & repekan ku ini...tocheh!

aku harap blogku ni dpt menghiburkan kalian semua diwaktu senggang..tiba-tiba aku jd formal plak..ish..musykil aku...

buat masa ni aku masih dlm proses blajar berblog ni, tu la orang berblog, aku pun sibuk nk blog, tapi tak katam2 lg. ni dok blajaq la..sabau2.

ari ni aku ada banyak plan, nk la shara la dgn uols:
1)plan nk p Tesco, beli barang dapur, masak segala maknenek la
2)nk p shopping sat, beli kasut raya anak-anakku
3)balik nk masak. apa aku plan nk masak?
plan 1) bubur lambuk
2) buah melaka
3) puding coklat
4)masak utk sahur, kuah singgang & vege
Itu antara plan la, hope aku gigih melaksanakan plan aku ni, jgn indah kabar dari rupa ja..
Kalau aku berjaya buat tu semua, akanku load semua foto hasil keras tanganku ini...dun wori!
Tis week kan holiday 3 hari, so las nite aku dh list down benda yg aku nk buat/setel.
Of cos main, nak masak la, try skill pun sama..

so apa plan uols? MIND to Share?

ni aku dk melangut dpn lappy ni dari sahur tadi, pas solat, sambung balik..gigih gigih, sat g anak2 bangun baru aku tau, xdak chance nak lelap..padan muka aku.

baru dk cakap, si adik dh bangun la plak, gotta go now! budak ni klu dah bangun stat la nk buat haru, tak pun buat onar
seblum dia stat baik aku cha alif bot....

have a nice weekend dear frenz!

Let pictures say it all

me & amani the 2nd princess

my darling withe lil'princess
p/s: si kakak time ni p ikut adikku p jln2
my darling, amani & ummiku

my darling, me, amani, newly weds coussi, my sis & ummi

ummi&the 3 beauty princess

me & 3 stooges

time budak2 ni buat puzzle sambil mengecah rumah

bab posing no 1

darlingku @fisherman dgn hobbynya
p/s; masa ni kt Pahang

ummiku with the gals

Thursday, August 27, 2009

tak sempat nk update lagi

Slm semua,
just nk kabo kan, aku xsempat lg nk update blog ni ari ni..nk kena setel job sat...InsyaAllah sehari dua nnt leh kot..sigh...
tis week ada 3hari cuti..heeeehaaa....MERDEKA!

akan ku curi masa hupdate blog ni...


Malunya aku..huahuahua


nk cita skit, namanya beginner bab blogging nih kan...selama 2 bln ni aku xtau pun followers aku ada bg comment daa...ayoooo..malu gue...ater dh xreti nk add widget bagai..kuang3..gelak kat diri sendiri. Tu pun nasib td aku dk godek sana sini baru terjumpa benda alah ni, Comment's widget...oi malu la hg...ish ish...dh sama tua dgn penang pun benda alah ni xtau.

xpa la, aku maafkan diri ku ini..

anyway, aku dk study lg la mcm na nk reply comment tu suma..nnt dh terer aku reply la nooo...otak jam arrr....
n thnx for all the sweet comment...

sejak posa ni malas ckit nk update blog, xtau la, letih kot. Dah kalau aku dk sebuk hupdate sure sampai tgh malam, kul 4am esok tu dh nk bgn sahur plak. xdan pun paksa gak coz takkan aku nk biaq blog aku ni bersawang..
esok2 klu aku ada idea cerdik ckit, aku update la lg..ada actually tp xtau nk deliver cam na...

aku nk kena chow ni, bantai dk pangel aku la...

zzzzzzzzzzz.............nite ols

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Ramadhan yg indah....Sob Ba Ra'

Salam & Semoga anda semua berada dlm lindunganNya....Amin

ari ni uols posa tak? eh eh....tak posa...
ari ni msauk ari ke 4 kita posa, selama hayat kita posa ni apa yg uols rasa?
bg aku ni, aku xmo la ckp posa zaman kanak2 ribena tuu, tp nk ckp psl masa b4 kawen tu (ala2 zaman muda rumaja tu la). B4 kawen, priority famili aku la. Aku ni jns suka membeli utk famili, ko campak la aku kt na, aku sure beli kt famili dulu. So tiap kali stat posa tu, aku dh sebuk dgn bujet nk membeli curtain, baju n apa2 benda utk rmh la. Biskut raya ummi aku amek kontrak..hehhe..aku ni keras tgn, mana leh buat biskut sopan2 ni..hancusss tau..

tp kan, aku pernah jahit curtain tau..begitu gigih aku menjahit, amek masa dkt sbln la gak..xpa ati py mau. Hasil tu, xlah lawa mana tp jd la gak (sori la xdak foto la..tu kisah dolu2).

lg satu aku suka beli bks buh kuih raya tu...ntah la tp aku suka arr..

ckp psl sahur...biasanya ummi la buat suma, siap ja umi gerak la aku, adik2. abg aku liat ckit bab bgn bab buka 1..ater dh xbgn sahur, buka posa melantak sakan la dia...
tu zaman muda mudi...

so now zaman2 dh kawen & beranak pinak...
aku ni keja, balik opis kul 6, tgu darling mai amek dh nk dkt kul 7, mana la sempat wa mau prepare juadah berbuka bagai tu, so kedai la yg dituju..mamak kayo oooo...
seboleh mungkin aku try prepare for sahur la. xkan sahur nk mkn lauk kedai kot, toksey demo  wooo...byk lemak sgt n blum tentu sedap..

kul 4am aku dh sebuk2 ronggeng kt dapur. sahur aku biasa prepare sup sayur, ikan masin/tlr masin or ikan grg je. ater dh bangun pepgai buta xkan nk makan yg bersantan2 bagai tu..xleh masuk la..nasib darling aku xkisah..luv u la darling..

anak2? depa tecik lg nk posa, so setel la bab anak2..klu depa bgn sahur alamat aku xtdoq la pas tu..harus kecah sana sinun...byk keja tu..

pada aku la, sbb tu agama selalu mentioned, Ramadhan mengajar kita erti Sob Ba Ra'....Sabar
pada aku gak, 
kena sabar coz time posa kita kena korban time tdo kita coz kn bgn sahur,
kena sabar nafsu nafsi kita
kena sabar if anak2 byk kerenah time2 kita letih posa
kena sabar nk shopping raya kena tunggu lps buka posa, if p b4 buka..huh! mau pengsan gue
bila weekend plak kena sabar coz kena masak kt anak2 breakfast lunch depa, sabar bila kena bau makanan depa..huhuu
byk lagi la kena sabar, nak tak nak jer.

tp one thing yg aku rasa, tis yer Ramadhan aku semakin byk sabar compare few yers back.
Manusia berubah, so do i. Hope perubahan ni berkekalan la coz all tis while aku mmg kurang sabar.

Ya Allah, Engkau jadikanlah aku umat yg sabar sesabarnya..Amin

Aku harap uols pun sama mendapat keberkatan Ramadhan ni..InsyaAllah.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Salam Ramadhan

Dimulakan dgn Bismillah...

Alhamdulillah, akhirnya Ramadhan yg indah bakal menjelma. Dh setaun rupanya, cpt sungguh masa berlalu kan?
Ramadhan ni, aku amat berharap aku dpt menjadi manusia yg lebih sabar, tenang, bahagia dan yg penting dimurahkan rezeki, diberkati hidup kami sekeluarga.
Aku ingin menjadi manusia yg berjaya bukan kaya raya tp penuh keberkatan....Amin...
Aku juga mengharapkan Ramadhan ini dpt dirai dgn sempurna bersama familiku walau tanpa berbelanja bsr.

Dan stat Ramadhan gak, aku harus mula berkira2 utk raya..walau bujet xbsr tp aku ttp bg keutamaan for my lil'princesses. Apalah yg depa phm kan? For them, raya adalh ari utk depa pakai baju baru n dpt duit raya.  So should u tell them about our lil'budjet? Nope for me.
But as years back, aku jns yg suka buat early preparation for the kiddos. Since last few months aku dh stat beli baju depa sikit2. So their's done tgl nk beli kasut jer.
AKu beli baju time sale, so w certain amount of RM I could get few for them. Alhamdulillah.
For me? Last May, BIL's wedding aku dh beli sepasang n ummi plak hadiah sepsg, so enuf la for me. Am ok w ol stuffs...
My Hubby dear? Sama gak tp dia lbh ckit coz besday dia early tis month, dia dpt few shirts (aku yg suggest beli shirt). Tinggal beli pants je. Baju Melayu, dia xnak buat coz katanya, pakai setaun skali je, so xyah buat every yer (last yer dh buat)...mmm.
Biskut raya? dlm proses nk mengoder la ni...aku tk pandai nk buat la huhu..

Raya nk xleh nk spend bebanyak coz
5/9 ni our car's roadtax insurance expired
6/9 bday ummiku
8/9 bday si kecik ku
15/9 bday si kakak

FYI, both my gals born on September, 8 & 15 (good timing yeahaha) for 2 yers xleh nk celebrate coz jatuh on bln puasa...teeeheee

ok ok la...baru nk posa dh lelebih cita raya plak...

Selamat Menjalani Ibadah Puasa utk anda semua..


Thursday, August 20, 2009

The Water Cure

Physicians rarely promote the curative properties of H2O, but Dr. Batmanghelidj, M.D. has studied water's effect on the human body and has found it to be one of the best pain relievers and preventative therapies in existence. I was one of the last people to interview the late Dr. Batmanghelidj, and I listened in awe as he shared his research and stories about "The Healing Power of Water."

In a fascinating one-hour phone conversation, Dr. B. shares:

• Which common ailments and "diseases" are actually caused by dehydration

• Why many doctors use water-regulating antihistamines to alleviate pain

• How Dr. Batmanghelidj unintentionally discovered water's healing properties

• Why most people are chronically dehydrated and suffer from symptoms of dehydration that are labeled "diseases"

• Which ingredients in soft drinks deplete the body's water reserves

• Why thirst is not a reliable indicator of dehydration

• Why the body produces cholesterol and how water keeps it in balance

• Why Dr. Batmanghelidj believes the public is being mislead about AIDS

• How dehydration impairs mental functioning

• Why some organizations want to withhold alternative health information from the public

• How lack of water causes depression

• Why popular beverages are no substitute for water

• How dehydration causes the vascular system to constrict, leading to hypertension

• How to recognize signs that your body is starting to dehydrate

• Why restaurants push you to drink disease-promoting soft drinks

• Why and how water effectively treats pain and inflammation

Discovery of the water cure

An interview with Dr. Batmanghelidj

Mike: Welcome everyone, this is Mike Adams with Truth Publishing, and today I’m very excited to be welcoming Dr. Batmanghelidj, author of Water For Health, For Healing, For Life. Welcome, Dr. Batmanghelidj.

Dr. B: Thank you very much for inviting me to be on the air with you and giving me the opportunity of sharing my thoughts on the future of medicine in this country.

Mike: I think there are many, many people who have read your books. People are intrigued by the idea that water can be a therapy, a healing substance for the human body. What is it about water? How did you first become aware of these healing properties of water?

Dr. B: Well, it’s very bizarre. As you know, I’m a regular doctor, an M.D. I had the honor and the privilege of being selected as one of the house doctors, and I had the extreme honor of being one of the last students of Sir Alexander Fleming, the discoverer of penicillin. I mention his name so that you know I was immersed in medical school and research. And some years later, I had to give two glasses of water to a person who was doubled up in abdominal pain from his disease, because I had no other medication to give him at that moment. And he was in excruciating pain, and water performed miraculous relief for him. It gave him relief -- within three minutes his pain diminished, and within eight minutes it disappeared completely, whereas he was doubled up eight minutes before and he couldn’t even walk, he completely recovered from that situation. And he started beaming from ear to ear, very happy, asked me what happens if the pain comes back? I said, “Well, drink more water.” Then I decided to instruct him to drink two glasses of water every three hours. Which he did, and that was the end of his ulcer pains for the rest of the duration that he was with me.

Mike: And from that episode then, what happened next?

Dr. B: That woke me up, because in medical school I’d never heard that water could cure pain, that kind of pain, in fact. And so I had the occasion to test water as a medication in subsequently over 3,000 similar cases. And water proved every time to be an effective medication. I came away from that experience with the understanding that these people were all thirsty, and that thirst in the body can manifest itself in the form of abdominal pain to the level that the person can even become semi-conscious, because that’s the experience I had. And water picks them up every time.

So when I came to America in 1982, I went to the University of Pennsylvania, where I was invited to continue my research, and did research in the pain-relieving properties of water. I asked myself, why does the pharmaceutical industry insist on using antihistamines for this kind of pain medication? So I started researching the role of histamine in the body, and the answer was there -- histamine is a neurotransmitter in charge of water regulation and the drought management programs of the body. When it manifests pain, in fact, it is indicating dehydration.

So, the body does manifest dehydration in the form of pain. Now, depending on where dehydration is settled, you feel pain there. Very simple, and I presented this concept at the international conference as the guest lecturer of a conference on cancer, explaining that the human body manifests dehydration by producing pain, and pain is a sign of water shortage in the body, and water shortage is actually the background to most of the health problems in our society.

Because if you look at what the pharmaceutical industry is doing, they’re producing so many different antihistamines as medication. Antidepressant drugs are antihistamines, pain medication are antihistamines, other medications are directly and indirectly antihistamines. So, that is when my work was published, the scientific secretariat of the 3rd Interscience Board Conference of Inflammation invited me to make this presentation on histamine at their conference in 1989, in Monte Carlo. And I did that, and so it became a regular understanding that histamine is a water regulator in the body. But unfortunately, this information is not reaching the public through the medical community because it’s not a money-maker.

So that’s when I began to consider writing for the public, so that the public could become aware of the problem directly without the interference of a doctor, and that’s how I have generated all my medical information for the public. Of course, I have published extensively for the scientific community, but no one is picking up. In fact, the NIH, the Office of Alternative Medicine, had its first conference when the office was created, and I was asked to make my presentation, but when the proceedings of the conference came out, my presentation was censored after the proceedings. So there is a movement afoot within the NIH group of people to keep a closed lid on my information so that it doesn’t get out, because obviously they are more in favor of the drug industry, because it is now obvious that they are getting paid by them.

Mike: I think it is, first of all, that is an amazing account of what has been happening, and I think it is fair to say, too, that the pharmaceutical industry and organized medicine in general, really doesn’t want to promote anything that is free or near-free to the average patient. Sunlight is available at no charge, water is available at nearly no charge -- would you agree that their thinking is if people can cure their diseases, and achieve a high state of health on their own with these free substances, then that diminishes their profits and their importance?

Dr. B: Absolutely. That’s why I’ve created an organization now called National Association for Honesty in Medicine. Because I think it’s totally dishonest, in fact, criminal, to treat a person who is just thirsty, and give them toxic medication so that he gets sick and dies earlier than normal.

Mike: Can you give out the web address to that organization, by the way?

Dr. B: My website is -- it gives you the option of going to one site or the other -- either Water, or you can go the National Association for Honesty in Medicine. Or you can go to the information side of my website,, because I have posted all of my scientific articles on dehydration on the website, and lots of other free information that people can have.

No substitute for water

Mike: I have a question for you on water -- a lot of people think that they are hydrating themselves when they consume soft drinks or milk or Gatorade or all these other liquid beverages…

Dr. B: Gatorade is possibly okay, but Gatorade has sugar in it, and it's not particularly good for people who might even get hypoglycemic, or might induce insulin secretion, and that insulin secretion will produce more hunger and they overeat. But as a temporary sport drink, it's okay when you're in the middle of a golf game to drink a Gatorade. It immediately gives you a bit of the minerals that you probably will have lost sweating.

But nothing substitutes for water -- not a thing. No drink -- no coffee, no tea, no alcoholic beverages. Not even fruit juices. Each one of them has its own agenda. Your body is used to a fluid that has no agenda, because the body depends on the freedom of that fluid, water, because there are two kinds of water in the body. There is already occupied and engaged water, which is no good for new function. The body needs new water, or free water, to perform new functions. Now, when you give them sugar containing beverages, or caffeine containing beverages, both sugar and caffeine have their own chemical agenda in the body. They defeat the purpose of the need for water.

Mike: You're also talking about soft drinks here…

Dr. B: I'm talking about soft drinks, I'm talking about sodas, I'm talking about caffeine containing coffee or tea. I'm also talking about alcohol, because alcohol actually stops the emergency water supply systems to the important cells, such as the brain cells. In the reverse osmosis process your body filters and injects water into the cells, and this is what I call reverse osmosis. And it has to raise the blood pressure for that in order to overcome the osmotic pull of water out of the cells, and reinject water into the cells. That's why we develop high-blood pressure in dehydration. And this process of reverse osmosis is stopped by alcohol. It stops the filter system.

Chronic Disease Caused by Lack of Water

Mike: Let me start this next section by asking you about the correlation between water consumption and chronic disease. There are many diseases you mention in your books that are related to dehydration. I wonder if you can give our readers a brief of what the major diseases are and why they are aggravated or promoted by chronic dehydration.

Dr. B: Certainly, Mike. I have written a book called Water Cures and Drugs Kill. It's a book that explains why dehydration is the cause of pain and disease, and how the pharmaceutical industry has camouflaged this information or covered it up and instead of letting people drink water, it advertises the use of their products, which actually do kill. Because recent figures have shown that prescription medications, when used according to the instruction of doctors, nonetheless kill over 106,000 people, and make 2 million people sicker than before taking the medication. And then there is another group who die from faulty prescriptions, incorrect prescriptions.

So between them, about 250,000 people die from drug-related problems, medication-related problems. This makes the drugs the use of drugs the number three killer processes in the country -- protected and licensed killer process. After heart disease, which kills about seven or eight hundred thousand, cancer which kills about 500,000, drugs kill 250,000 people.

Mike: So it's fair to say that pharmaceuticals, as packaged by modern medicine, are the third leading cause of death in this country.

Dr. B: Absolutely, and they are useless, because most of the medication they are using is to cover up symptoms and signs and complications of dehydration in the human body. The human body manifests dehydration by a series of symptoms and signs, perceptive symptoms of dehydration -- in other words, brain senses dehydration, or tiredness when you haven't done a good day's work, or first thing in the morning when you want to get up out of bed and you're tired, you can't get up -- that is a sign of dehydration. Then anger, quick reaction, depression, these are all signs of dehydration, when the brain has very little energy from hydroelectricity to cope with the information or take action. These are some of the perceptive signs of dehydration. Then the body has its drought management program, which are allergies, hypertension, diabetes, and also immune diseases.

The link between dehydration and asthma

Mike: I'd like you to elaborate a little more on asthma, and the idea that the body is managing its water supply deliberately in a way that produces symptoms that are called asthma.

Dr. B: Yes, well you see, drought management means that you have to clog the holes where water is lost from the body. Water is the most precious commodity in the interior of your body, and when not enough is coming in and more is being lost, this is a no-no situation for your body. The intelligence behind the design of the body has it such that a drought management program will kick in, and then allergies are a sign of dehydration because the system that regulates water balance of the body suppresses the immune system, because it's an energy-consuming situation. Then you get asthma.

You see, we lose about a quart of water through breathing every day. It is actually the surface tension in the alveoli of the lungs that produces contraction of these tiny membranes, and air is pushed out. And in the process, that water will leave with the air that is leaving. So you lose about a quart of water in breathing. We need to replenish that. When we don't replenish it, the body tightens up the bronchials and plugs up the holes and we call this reduced air flow in the lungs because of dehydration, we've labeled it as asthma.

Mike: Right. I've always been amazed that the willingness of modern medicine or western medicine to come up with these complicated sounding labels or names for diseases that should really have simpler names.

Dr. B: Jargon peddling is the way of commercial medicine. Sick-care system survives and thrives on pushing these jargons into the minds of the people, because people don't understand what these jargons, they hear them and they don't associate with anything in the body, but associate them with those jargons of fear that are drummed in the minds of people.

Now, children, there are 17 million children in America, probably more because the numbers rise every year, who have asthma, and the reason is, at the same time, children have been consuming more and more sodas. Three year olds to five year olds have been consuming three times as much soda in the last ten years than in the ten years before that. So these people are getting dehydrated, they are consuming more sodas, which doesn't function in the same way as water, and that is why they get asthma. Now, give these children water, and their asthma will disappear very quickly, in a matter of a few hours, completely the breathing becomes normal. The need for these inhalers will disappear.

And when I contacted the NIH and explained all of this, the gentleman who was in charge of this said I was so ignorant on what was going on, and yet he wanted to protect his freedom, and so he ignored the information even though I had gone to Clinton, President Clinton to ask him to intervene, and give breath back to these children. But the NIH was adamant to use medication. He wrote me, actually, and said we are satisfied with the way asthma is being treated. So, this is the situation. Now 17 million children is America can recover in a matter of a few days if everyone in the country started talking to asthmatic people and saying water is what you should take. Can you imagine a solution so simple?

Mike: Yes. Yes I can, and there are many such solutions available to treat a great number of chronic diseases, just like you've been describing here. Of course, the pharmaceutical industry I think would be horrified to have that information become widespread.

Dr. B: Yeah, well, because what I'm saying is totally anti-business, and we are not talking about a few hundred thousand dollars, we are talking about a few billion dollars a year.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Apa yang aku rasa...

Apa yg aku rasa? ntahla, kdg2 aku rasa mls & bosan sgt, myb sbb aku ada byk benda nk pk kot. aku ni baru berjinak2 dlm MLM, baru tak baru pun nk dkt half yer gak. Aku tgk org lain mcm senang ja cr customer, tp aku ni mcm very the ssh.
Myb xdak rezeki aku, nk kata xusaha tak gak. Mana contact no yg aku ada aku msg n kol, tp dlm 100 tu nk dpt sorang reply pun gila payah. So now aku tau mana kwn masa senang n mana kwn masa ssh. Aku tak la paksa depa beli, tp at least jwp la rasional ckit. Ni tak bila kita promote sumting depa jawap "kt rumah pun ada tak pakai lg" tak pun "baru ja beli"..mmm..aku ni antara pecaya dgn tak ja ayat tu. Tp xkisah la tu hak depa, tugas aku dh setel, promo ja la, hampa nk ka tak xpa, janji hampa dh tau mana cari if uols need sumting.

Aku byk blajaq dr semua ni, aku dh masak sgt dgn certain manusia yg slalu bg alasan2 mcm kt ats tu. n aku dh tau nk beza org2 ni mcm mana. well, xpa I'll never give up.
Till now aku mmg xabis2 dk promote lg tiap kali ada produk baru n as usual gak aku dpt respons yg sama "baru beli la..bla..bla..bla.." bg aku xpa la.

few months back, ada la sorang Hamba Allah ni yg jugak kwn baik aku zaman2 skool, dia ya ya nk beli filter dr aku, n aku pun dh syok la, tup2 dia leh msg aku "kwn aku leh bg price lg baguih dr hg". Adaka patut? so till now dia dh tak contact aku just bcoz aku xleh offer good price for her. Come on la frenz, aku meniaga cari makan takkan aku nk wat mcm tu n x adil la klu kwn minta aku bg tp kt org lain tak. be professional la..

Tu la org kita, bila nk beli brg dr org sendiri depa py dk minta kurang gilas bila depa p beli dr kaum laen, senyap sepi trus byq. It does happened rite?

so now aku dh tak kisah apa saja org pk psl aku. aku tau depa mcm takut ja tiap kali terjumpa aku, takut aku dk promo frenz, pls understand I work for my family, my kids future n my own.

aku dh byk tebalkan muka aku ni semata2 nk buat biz ni walaupun aku tau org tak suka. Its ok aku still xkisah. Aku tau rezeki aku ada dimana2 it just aku tak tau the exact direction. Aku dh byk masuk segala mcm forum n mana2 site yg aku leh promote. Its a matter of time saja la.

N Alhadulillah, las few days, aku dh dpt sorang online customer, dia order Spirulina n Lactose n brg tu pun aku dh deliver by pos laju kt dia td. Org Putrajaya. Thanx padanya.
Aku gak dh ada 2 customer for the CROCS, 1 dh pos n 1 lg very soon. Syukur yg teramat sgt.
Itu good sign for me utk trus usaha n jgn putus asa. N myb berkat sabar gak kot.

No denying, aku dulu kurang sabar, bila org taknak beli je aku hangin, but now aku dh start to accept whatever come tru. Keep reminding myself, may b not today, but who knows, 1 fine day they'll find u.

Thanks oso to my hubby, his comfort me whenever am upset. He the one who thought me of being a strong person, a person w vision n a person who'll never give up. Thanx darling. There's no words to describe my feelings towards him. I luv him so much.

Apa Itu Spirulina ?

(nama saintifik Arthrospira platensis

Spirulina ialah sejenis tumbuhan air yang mengandungi hanya satu sel sahaja. Oleh itu, ia tidak mempunyai akar, daun, bunga dsb. Ia adalah dari kumpulan algae dan berbentuk spiral (Sebab itulah ia dinamakan spirulina - bermakna spiral yang kecil). Ia tumbuh di dalam air yang beralkali )
  Algae adalah makanan yang terletak di bahagian bawah 'food chain' (rangkaian pemakanan), oleh itu ia mengandungi banyak tenaga. Algae seperti spirulina, chlorella dan AFA (aphanizomenen flos aqua) sudah hidup berbillion tahun. Ada yang mengatakan ia telah hidup sejak 3.6 billion tahun yang lalu. Pengambilan spirulina telah diamalkan oleh kaum kuno Aztecs di Mexico sejak dahulu lagi. 

Spirulina berwarna hijau gelap. Warna ini disebabkan oleh kombinasi chlorophyll (hijau), phycocyanin (biru) dan carotenoids (oren). Warna-warna yang berlainan ini menyerap tenaga yang berlainan dari cahaya matahari. 

Meskipun dari kumpulan yang sama ada beberapa perbezaan dari segi kandungan antara algae-algae ini. Contohnya, dinding sel spirulina lebih lembut berbanding dengan chlorella, oleh itu spirulina lebih mudah dicerna. Rencana di bawah ini hanya menyentuh mengenai spirulina sahaja. 


Spirulina mengandungi 65% protein - 8 essential asid amino dan 10 nonessential asid amino. Asid amino membentuk protein, essential asid amino adalah asid amino yang tidak diperbuat di dalam badan, oleh itu ia harus diambil melalui pemakanan. Ada 8 jenis essential asid amino dan 12 jenis nonessential asid amino. Kandungan ini adalah lebih daripada yang terdapat di dalam soya beans, ikan, daging, taufu fa atau telur. Kandungan protein dari spirulina adalah lebih mudah dihadamkan (95%) berbanding daripada sumber hawan (20% sahaja penghadaman). 

Berbeza dengan makanan dari binatang, sumber dari tumbuhan ini tidak mengandungi kolesterol dan mempunyai kalori yang lebih rendah. Dalam 10g spirulina hanya sebanyak 36 kalori tenaga dihasilkan. 

Mineral di dalam spirulina termasuklah kalsium, zat besi, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, selenium dan zink. Mineral yang terdapat di dalam spirulina adalah dalam bentuk 'chelated'. Bentuk ini adalah lebih mudah digunakan oleh badan kita.Kandungan zat besi di dalam spirulina adalah lebih tinggi daripada sayuran hijau yang lain atau hati lembu. Zat besi ini penting dalam pembentukan darah.Secara ringkasnya, kalsium penting untuk tumbesaran tulang dan gigi. Zink pula penting dalam memastikan fungsi-fungsi enzim berjalan dengan sempurna di samping menguatkan sistem imune badan kita. 

Chlorophyll yang didapati di dalam spirulina adalah lebih tinggi berbanding dengan alfalfa atau wheat grass. Struktur chlorophyll menyerupai struktur darah. Perbezaannya, dalam darah ada mineral besi (iron) menyebabkannya berwarna merah, manakala chlorophyll ada mineral magnesium menyebabkannya berwarna hijau. Chlorophyll juga dikenali sebagai 'darah hijau'. Chlorophyll dikenali sebagai pembersih darah. 

Beta carotene (vitamin A) dalam spirulina adalah lebih banyak daripada yang terdapat dalam karrot segar. Di samping baik untuk mata, vitamin A adalah sejenis anti-oksidant yang berupaya melawan 'free-radicals', oleh itu ia membantu melawan dan mencegah sel-sel kanser. Selain daripada beta carotene, spirulina juga mengandungi anti-oksidant lain iaitu vitamin E, selenium, zat besi, zink dan phycocyanin (lihat di atas - bahan ini memberikan warna biru pada spirulina). Kandungan vitamin E di dalam spirulina adalah lebih tinggi daripada sumber utama vitamin E wheat germ. Vitamin E, selain sebagai anti-oksidant, memberi tenaga pada anda. 

Phycocyanin (bermakna algae biru) yang terdapat di dalam spirulina mengandungi iron (besi) dan magnesium - cuba bandingkan dengan struktur chlorophyll dan darah (sila lihat di atas). 

B 12 nya adalah lebih tinggi daripada hati lembu mentah. Vitamin B 12 memberikan tenaga, baik untuk pertumbuhan dan saraf. Vitamin B 12 adalah vitamin yang penting bagi vegetarian (orang yang tidak makan daging). 

Spirulina juga mengandungi B kompleks. 

GLA di dalam spirulina membantu bagi mereka yang bermasalah kolesterol yang tinggi, tekanan darah tinggi, sakit sendi (arthritis), eczema dan yang berkaitan dengan masalah haid. GLA hanya didapati di dalam susu ibu dan beberapa tumbuhan seperti evening primrose oil (EPO), blackcurrant dan biji borage (borage seeds). 


sumber pemakanan yang kaya dengan pelbagai zat. 

pembersih darah dan pembuangan toksin. Kajian di Russia mendapati spirulina mengurangkan kesan-kesan daripada radiasi sebanyak 50% setelah diambil selama 45 hari. 

mengurangkan keasidan badan akibat pengambilan makanan berasid seperti gula, kopi, soda dsb. Ini kerana spirulina tumbuh di dalam media yang beralkali. 

membuang toksin di dalam hati dan buah pinggang. 

membantu pengurangan berat badan di samping menambah kadar metabolisma. Asid amino phenylalanine mungkin boleh membantu dalam proses mengurangkan berat badan. Bagaimanapun, tidak semua pengkaji sependapat bahawa spirulina penting atau berkesan untuk mengurangkan berat badan. 

menguatkan sistem imune (daya menentang penyakit) - Spirulina didapati meningkatkan kadar macrophages dan sel-T iaitu sel yang penting dalam proses imune ini. Kajian in vitro (dalam makmal, bukannya dalam badan manusia) di Jepun mendapati spirulina berupaya menghalang pertumbuhan sel-sel HIV-1, herpes, flu, beguk dan measles. Proses ini mungkin dibantu oleh sulfolipids yang terdapat di dalam spirulina. 

membersihkan perut dengan membuang toksin di dalamnya dan menyebabkan bakteria-bakteria baik dapat hidup dengan lebih baik. Bakteria yang baik ini menyebabkan penyerapan zat-zat pemakanan ke dalam badan meningkat. Bakteria baik (dipanggil probiotik) ini juga akan mengurangkan jumlah bakteria yang jahat, yang menyebabkan pelbagai jenis penyakit seperti dari species E.coli dan sebagainya. Masalah sembelit juga mungkin boleh diatasi dengan pengambilan spirulina. 

mengurangkan kadar kolesterol dan sakit-sakit yang berkaitan. Spirulina meningkatkan kolesterol baik dan menurunkan kolesterol jahat (LDL). 

mengurangkan radang arthritis (sakit sendi). Pesakit arthritis juga mungkin mendapat manfaat kerana sifat spirulina yang menguatkan sistem imune. 

merangsang thyroid 

Perkara-perkara lain 

Spirulina selalunya diambil dalam kuantiti yang sedikit. Oleh itu kegunaannya sebagai sumber protein mungkin tidak begitu ketara. 

Spirulina mengandungi gula tetapi ia adalah dalam bentuk rhamnose (dan glycogen). Oleh itu pesakit kencing manis tidak menghadapi masalah mengambilnya. 

Jumlah yang perlu diambil untuk memberikan kesan-kesan baik kesihatan adalah tinggi. Dalam erti kata lain, pengambilan yang banyak adalah perlu sebelum kesan baik dapat dilihat. 

Spirulina adalah selamat untuk wanita mengandung malah pengambilannya boleh digalakkan. Ia mengandungi zat besi yang baik untuk pembinaan darah. 

Ada percanggahan di antara pengkaji mengenai kehadiran vitamin B 12 yang terdapat di dalam spirulina (B 12 tidak terdapat dalam tumbuhan lain). Ada yang mengatakan ia datang dari haiwan seperti serangga yang banyak terdapat dalam tempat ternakan spirulina. 

Ada jenis algae yang mengandungi toksin seperti microcystin. Ia boleh menyebabkan cirit-birit dan pening-pening dan membawa mudarat kepada kesihatan. Pastikan anda mengambil spirulina dari syarikat yang berwibawa sahaja. 

Pengambilan spirulina adalah sebagai supplement sahaja. Oleh itu sekiranya anda ada mengambil apa-apa ubat, anda hendaklah meneruskannya. 

engambilan yang disyorkan ialah sehingga 5 gram sehari. 


Monday, August 17, 2009

Palace Prime-For Men

The Fountain of Male Vitality

Since ancient times, the Chinese have used herbs to nourish the body, strengthen the ‘chi’ energy and balance the entire body system for optimal health. This holistic approach is preventative in nature and endears itself to modern men’s health concerns since the onset of a disease or illness if often a combination of many factors, including bad lifestyle habits, improper diet and living in an increasingly unfavourable environment.

Palace Prime is a unique, alcohol-free herbal tonic that is derived from ancient imperial wisdom dating back some 500 years. Harvested from Mount Changbaishan in China, 8 precious herbal ingredients including Pilose Antler, Ciwujia, Morinda Root and Desert Living Cistanche are used in an exclusive formulation highly concentrated for maximum potency and effectiveness to enhance energy levels, strengthen the body, reinforce male vitality and promote general health.

Palace Prime is conveniently bottled in miniature vials for consumption and does not require preparation or boiling. It is also certified halal and does not contain alcohol, steroids, erectogenic agents or artificial colouring.


Beauty from the Inside Out

Hormones make up the endocrine (hormonal) system and are responsible for the development, growth, metabolism and reproductive functions throughout a woman’s life. Physiological changes are often caused by hormonal upheavals during the critical phases of puberty, menstruation, pregnancy and menopause to address the different needs of the body, thus affecting the quality of life.

In Chinese medicine, the kidney, liver, endocrine and reproductive systems are interconnected and nourishing these systems in a holistic combination of herbs can help improve overall health and vitality while alleviating specific physiological symptoms or discomforts.

LD-Venus Gold is formulated using a time-tested herbal formulation with top grade Chinese herbs like Dang Gui, Dang Shen, Dan Shen, Bai jiang Cao, Yi Mu Cao and huang Qi to help regulate menses, enrich the blood, assist in recovery after childbirth and may offer relief for menopausal women.

LD-Venus Gold is conveniently bottled in miniature vials for consumption and does not require preparation or boiling. It is also certified halal and does not contain hormones, chemicals or artificial ingredients.

20 bottles in a box

** Expectant mothers and women who are having their menses are advised to stop consuming LD~VENUS GOLD. Advisable to start taking only 2-3 days after the end of each menses

Unveil Your Femininity

Hormones make up the endocrine (hormonal) system and are responsible for the development, growth, metabolism and reproductive functions throughout a woman’s life. Physiological changes are often caused by hormonal upheavals during the critical phases of puberty, menstruation, pregnancy and menopause to address the different needs of the body, thus affecting the quality of life.

In Chinese medicine, the kidney, liver, endocrine and reproductive systems are interconnected and nourishing these systems in a holistic combination of herbs can help improve overall health and vitality while alleviating specific physiological symptoms or discomforts.

LD-Esteem is formulated using a time-tested herbal formulation with top grade Chinese herbs like Nu Zhen Zi, Wang Bu Liu Xing, Huang Qi, Gan Cao and honey that help to invigorate blood, nourish the ‘yin’ energy and assist to nourish the upper chest area.

LD-Esteem is conveniently bottled in miniature vials for consumption and does not require preparation or boiling. It is also certified halal and does not contain hormones, chemicals or artificial ingredients.

20 bottles in a box


G6 Colostrum Cookies bring out the very best in your snack. Crispy and crunchy texture, taste to everything you touch. No preservatives or colouring added, IG6 Colostrum Cookies is ideal for snacks and tea breaks. A perfect combination with Elite Cafe, Elite Milk Tea and Elite Cereal Mix.


O-Yes! Spirulina Cracker

The brand new O-Yes! Spirulina Crackers make a healthy snack with its organic Elken Spirulina Content and abundant nutrients:

  • Spirulina content equivalent to 25 tablets of Elken Spirulina
  • Fortified with calcium
  • Free from trans-fat and cholesterol
  • Suitable for vegetarians
  • Free from artificial flavouring, colouring and preservatives



Elcafe 5-in-1 premix instant coffee with Ginseng and Ginkgo extract is a premium quality coffee made from the finest of Arabica and Robusta coffee powder and non-dairy creamer. Be enchanted by its rich aroma and enjoy anytime of the day!

20 sachets per box.



Unleash The Power of Colour with Phytonutrients

According to the American National cancer Institute, we should aim for an average of 7 servings of fruits and vegetables daily to decrease the risk of abnormal growth of cells. This is because fruits and vegetables contain phytonutrients which are powerful free radical scavengers and immune system boosters. In fact, the more ‘colourful’ our diet, the higher the number of phytonutrients it contains.

Generally, phytonurients come in 7 different colour groups. Adequate intake of all colour groups is important as each addresses different oxidative reactions. However, meeting 7 servings of sufficient fruits and vegetables daily from 7 colour groups daily is a major challenge for most of us.

Now with Fitorac, you can experience all the convenience and power of phytonutrients. 1 spoonful of Fitorac contains equivalent to 7 servings of fruits and vegetables across all 7 colour groups. On top of that, Fitorac is an excellent source of antioxidants and phytonutrients as it provides 4,000 ORAC*, one of the highest available in the market, from its content of 21 types of organic fruits and vegetables as well as 3 superior liver-friendly extracts for liver detoxification.

* Available in 240g


Kington Life Plasma is not any seawater. It is harvested from an exclusive plankton bloom vortex where ecological interactions produce 83 types of bioavailable elements that are predigested by oceanic plankton. As humans need at least 70 types of minerals to maintain a balanced composition of our body fluid, Kington Life Plasma is able to restore the balance in our internal environment by providing these trace elements in full spectrum and balanced composition. The minerals are also in bioavailable crystalloid forms which allow easy absorption.

Kington Life Plasma was first discovered by Rene Quinton, a French scientist, biologist, physiologist and humanitarian. It has been used for over 100 years and is supported by extensive clinical documents proving its physiological benefits. By providing the body with essential trace elements for the transmission of electromagnetic energy, cellular communication can be enhanced, thus leading to better health and performance.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Spirulina Inhibits H1N1

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Elken Spirulina :

A Superfood to fight Superviruses (Media articles)

The head of the World Health Organization has declared that the H1N1 pandemic is unstoppable and new cases are emerging daily worldwide. What can we do to protect ourselves and our families?

In these few articles, Dr Yasumasa Kodo explains:
* how an acidic body condition can make us vulnerable to virus attacks*
how spirulina can help us change our body’s pH condition to a healthy alkaline state and strengthen our immune system*
recent research that shows spirulina’s potent ability to fight super viruses*
specific study that show H1N1 infections can be kept under control with spirulina intake.
Here are some quotes from these newspapers:
“If our body’s condition is alkaline or slightly above neutral pH, the exposure to even the most virulent microbes may not be able to make us sick...” New Sabah Times
“'Phycocyanin' yang terkandung dalam produk spirulina mempunyai kebolehan untuk menghalang jangkitan virus Influenza A (H1N1)... Kajian terbaru menunjukkan penjangkitan virus H1N1 ditemui dalam keadaan yang terkawal apabila spirulina dicampur dengan sel sebelum dan selepas jangkitan virus tersebut." - Utusan Borneo“
...latest discovery showed that reproduction of the H1N1 virus was found to be under control when the extract of spirulina was added to cells before and after they were infected with the virus..." Borneo Post
To all Bloggers, do contact me for further assist.
Sharing is Caring

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Salam Sejahtera semua & di harap anda semua dibawah lindunganNya..

Entry kali ni x la sadis sgt, saja gimik..
Tapi kan, nk story gak, semalam aku bgn mcm biasa la nk p keja, smalm kan isnin. Dh nk siap bagai tiba2 perutku memulas la plak...........dushhhhhhhhhhhhh...apalagi aku ambush toilet la..

aku diserang diarrhoea...uuwaaaaaa tidak! aku ada urgent jobbb..menanah ku nnt kn taram dgn mushi2....
aku p klinik, doc bg mc, dlm ati antara syok dgn xsyok dpt mc..
xsyok coz aku nk kena fon opis n story psl kisah sakit tu n nk kena dgr nag nag org itu...
so fine, aku kol opis (siap doa xmau kn bambu lg tau..huhu) n tadaaaaa as expected mmg gua kena bambu. Ater, dh mmg aku sakit, klu p opis pun aku dk keja p toilet ja pun buat hapa ye dak? ada ka patut dia leh kata 'u ha, bz time like tis u always ol'. Ayooo tangechi, ama, lau e, wa sakit hoooo how come u say like tat. kejam xkejamnya kan? bila dia sebut "always" tu la yg buat aku hangin tornedo. Oi mangkuk! byk la hg punya "always" dlm setaun brapa kali aku mc ha? tis yer bru 3 ari tau....

yg syok coz aku leh tidoq la..huahuahu

ni la first time aku kena diarrhoea yg teruk mcm ni, 10 kali aku dk p toilet, n aku mmg flat gila.
kurus aku sejenak...

ni dh ok ckit mula la nk meraban..udah2 ler

kat kul 12 ni, sayonara!


1. Mengandungi kesemua 46 nutrien perlu yang tidak boleh dihasilkan oleh badan.

2. Mempunyai kandungan nutrien tinggi dengan lebih daripada 65 jenis nutrien perlu, antioksidan dan fitonutrien.

3. Kandungan protein tinggi tanpa kolesterol.

4. Mengandungi nutrien-nutrien jarang seperti Vitamin B12 dan Asid Gamma-Linolenik (GLA) yang sukar didapati daripada sumber-sumber semulajadi.

5. Nutrien-nutrien adalah dalam nisbah yang seimbang dengan keperluan badan manusia, maka menghasilkan penyerapan nutrien yang optimal dan mengurangkan pembaziran.

6. Makanan 100% beralkali yang membantu untuk meneutralkan keasidan badan.

7. Senang dihadam dan diserap.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Kegilaanku....aksesori bilik anak2

aku ni sejak ada anak, mana2 aku p sure priortiy brg budak2 tu, xkira la baju ka, hair clips bagai tu even aksesori bilik depa.
ni bilik anak2 aku, yg ikat curtain tu si zirafah tomey, dh lama dia dk pegang curtain budak2 ni, curtain dk tkr tp si zirafah ni masih setia kt situ.. Big Wood Red Apple tu plak mcm shelf, beli masa kt Pesta Penang 2-3yrs back, dr Country Home kot, kalau xsilap la, kalau silap sori la. Tp kedai dia kt blah mainland. Ats epel tu aku buh sgala mcm bekas tin yg comey2. Kt atas katil plak, kusyen2 comey anak2 ku, tp aku xbg depa pakai pun, for display purpose ONLY..yeeehaha..

Aku suka sgt if dpt benda gantung2 tu, apa ntah term dia, xigt la plak. yg ada clip tu, leh buh kt beg gak, tp aku gantung kt drawer depa ja mcm foto kt bawah ni. Mana aku dpt semua tu? Beli la, takkan gua cilok kot...most dr McD Happy Meal. Tp byk la kaler pink coz anak2 ku itu suka bangat pink..huhu...anak dara la katakan.

lg satu, kalu anak2 aku beli stiker, aku suruh ja depa lekat kt drawer atau kt fridge tu, jadinya depa xla dk lekat suka ati kt mana2. Tp aku filter dulu la apa py stiker, yg cute2 tu aku bg la yg xlawa tu aku lego ja...dh xcukup drawer aku lekat plak kt bathroom depa, baguih gak idea aku kan kan?

ok aku dh nk titun n dh kul 130am ni, esok si kakak ada tenis, xbangun naya aku.

Happy Weekends frenz!


Salam n hi semua!

Lately bz sgt2. N this few days balik rumah, siap makan mandi semua tu, anak2 masuk tdo, aku pun redi tlg hubbyku buat katalog. Sampai kul 1am tau. Payah tau coz byk pages katalog tu. Nak2 pakai PC, aku ni master Macintosh ja, bila kena PC aku nganga sejenak la, ater, dh shortcut keys smua tu xsama dgn Mac. Setakat update blog or online tu wa reti al. Tp tadi katalog tu dh setel print n pos pun..yuuuuhuuhuuu...Tlg ikhlas for my darling hubby tau.

add on ckit, ari khamis n jumaat baru ni, aku berjaya memujuk si kakak tdo kt rmh babah dia (umi aku la tu). Nama ja rmh dkt idung tp depa mmg xmau overnite kat sana, asyik dk berkepit dgn aku saja. SO kali ni berjaya tu pun pasai adik aku mai dr Pahang tu yg depa nk sgt, klau tak, hampehh...
mcm mana pun prangai anak2 ku, aku sgt sayang kt depa. Bila depa xdak mmg rasa sunyi yg amat.

They are still my lovely princess!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Contest contest contest lagiiiii

Better You Better World Contest Ibu Addin Nasa @
5 Ogos-1 September 2009

Lengkapkan ayat berikut:

Bermalam di Marriot Putrajaya menjadi idaman saya kerana............................................. ( tidak lebih daripada 21 patah perkataan)

Hantarkan bersama
Alamat :
No K/P :
No tel :
No. Invois:( terdapat pada resit belian)
sebagai bukti pembelian kepada email :

Syarat penyertaan:

1. Setiap pembelian 1 Performance Drink menggunakan ID 395863 melayakkan anda menghantar 1 penyertaan. (Jika 2 belian dalam satu invois maka anda layak menghantar 2 penyertaan dan seterusnya)

2. Untuk membuat pembelian, boleh pergi ke Branch Shaklee yang berdekatan dengan anda ataupun telefon tol free 1800-88-6577 dan membuat pesanan menggunakan ID 395863. Boleh terus dapatkan invoice no sebaik sahaja pembayaran telah dibuat.

2. Lengkapkan ayat yang diberi mengikut kreativiti anda. Pemenang dipilih berdasarkan ayat yang paling kreatif.

3. Emailkan penyertaan anda bersama butiran lengkap kepada email :

4. PENTING:- Invois perlu disimpan sebagai bukti pembelian dan akan dituntut apabila nama pemenang diumumkan kelak.

5. Keputusan juri adalah muktamad.

Hadiah Utama

Bermalam 1 malam di Marriot Putrajaya beserta sarapan untuk 2 orang.
***Pakej tidak termasuk kos pengangkutan pergi balik, makan tengahari dan makan malam
***Tarikh Penginapan adalah antara bulan Nov 2009 - Jan 2010.

Hadiah tempat ke-2 hingga ke-5

Barangan Crabtree yang bernilai RM50

Hadiah Penyertaan

Penyertaan pertama, ke-50 dan ke-100.

***Here's a BONUS ENTRY !!!***

If you have a BLOG, blog about this contest and send us your blog link and your name.
The CHOSEN BLOGGER will receive a mystery GIFT !!!
(Ini terbuka kepada semua blogger!)
5 Ogos-1 September 2009

Lengkapkan ayat berikut:

Bermalam di Marriot Putrajaya menjadi idaman saya kerana............................................. ( tidak lebih daripada 21 patah perkataan)

Hantarkan bersama
Alamat :
No K/P :
No tel :
No. Invois:( terdapat pada resit belian)
sebagai bukti pembelian kepada email :

Syarat penyertaan:

1. Setiap pembelian 1 Performance Drink menggunakan ID 395863 melayakkan anda menghantar 1 penyertaan. (Jika 2 belian dalam satu invois maka anda layak menghantar 2 penyertaan dan seterusnya)

2. Untuk membuat pembelian, boleh pergi ke Branch Shaklee yang berdekatan dengan anda ataupun telefon tol free 1800-88-6577 dan membuat pesanan menggunakan ID 395863. Boleh terus dapatkan invoice no sebaik sahaja pembayaran telah dibuat.

2. Lengkapkan ayat yang diberi mengikut kreativiti anda. Pemenang dipilih berdasarkan ayat yang paling kreatif.

3. Emailkan penyertaan anda bersama butiran lengkap kepada email :

4. PENTING:- Invois perlu disimpan sebagai bukti pembelian dan akan dituntut apabila nama pemenang diumumkan kelak.

5. Keputusan juri adalah muktamad.

Hadiah Utama

Bermalam 1 malam di Marriot Putrajaya beserta sarapan untuk 2 orang.
***Pakej tidak termasuk kos pengangkutan pergi balik, makan tengahari dan makan malam
***Tarikh Penginapan adalah antara bulan Nov 2009 - Jan 2010.

Hadiah tempat ke-2 hingga ke-5

Barangan Crabtree yang bernilai RM50

Hadiah Penyertaan

Penyertaan pertama, ke-50 dan ke-100.

***Here's a BONUS ENTRY !!!***

If you have a BLOG, blog about this contest and send us your blog link and your name.
The CHOSEN BLOGGER will receive a mystery 
GIFT !!!
(Ini terbuka kepada semua blogger!)

Try Jangan tak try, mana tau rezeki!